Tuesday, October 28, 2014

You Had Me at Free Delivery

What is better than sitting at home, post workout, shopping online only to find out that you can have great clothes delivered to your door, same day, by the very people who sell the clothing.  This is genius!  Welcome to Shop Billie a local online retailer with a wonderful selection of clothes at super reasonable price points.  Think Anthropologie without the line or mall experience.  I fell in love with this sweater, that they carry in brown, and think it will be perfect for this winter. You probably think I am crazy, with the cutout sleeves on thirty-degree days, but I am one of those people who are perpetually too warm.  This sweater is the perfect compromise.  Check the ladies out at Shop Billie, they are just as adorable and nice as the clothes they sell. 

RD Style, Cutout Sleeve Sweater, $58

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