Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Tights are not Leggings

We've all been there,  accidentally wearing our Target leggings as pants, only to realize they are see through  when sitting, standing or bending over.  But what I don't understand is the current trend/ fashion failure of wearing tights as leggings.

This girl has not chance of successfully bending over.   
She is one of countless people I've seen lately who don't seem to care that the panty line of their tights  is exposed.  So here are the rules of leggings.

If you can see through them, wear them as tights/ with a dress.
This is a great option in sub zero weather. Target, Mossimo Brand leggings are great for this purpose.
If you legitimately want to wear leggings as pants, please make sure they are thick enough to do so. Please consider covering your butt, unless your legs are to die for.
This option from J Crew is a safe bet! 

As a tip, when you sit down in the dressing room and can see the whites of your knees, the leggings are too sheer and should be considered as tights.

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